Riding in the clouds :)
The roads were wet and slippery as it was drizzling throughout our journey.
Finally, reached the town of Chong Klong. This is where vehicles are transported to Laos on a barge.
Monk who walked over the waters.
Give this fella your export permit for your vehicle. And he'll do the rest.
Queue here to get your passport chopped.
Buy your ferry tickets and insurance here.
The immigration at Chong Klong
Laoation woman
We had to queue behind some oil tankers to get on to the barge.
Riding over the ultra slippery river cobbles to get on to the barge. Its a miracle none of us fell.
We are sailing!
Time to wash our boots.
Land Ahoy!
Custom clearance for bikes in Laos. Here we pay for our carnet and get our vehicle import permits.
Followed by a session of brainwashing on the philosophy of communism.
Playground in Laos
The mighty Mekong.
It Christmas in May in Laos
China boy
Lets ride! Riding to our first destination - Luang Namtha
The roads were initially crappy and holey. But after the first 20kms or so, the roads changed..and so did the scenery. Laos is the new Mae Hong Son! The grass is greener, the skies are bluer and the roads are curvier than in Northern Thailand.
Kids playing the beautiful game.
We passed the town of Pangsai.
We made it! our hotel in Luang Namtha.. Villa guest House. The service here is excellent! The rooms are fairly large and quite clean. It costs 500Bht a night here. Not bad value. During mealtimes they even made the effort to set the dining table, and the staff were very very attentive to our needs. Highly recommended by the Bochapoldmen!
Well kept garden in Villa Guest House
The main building.
Look how muddy we were!
Kitchen with the traditional stove. Food was simply delicious!
Dinners ready!
Good food after a looooong ride.
Off to China tomorrow.
lovely picture of the bike in the clouds :D